Our window planter boxes were old and tired and my wife asked me to build her some new ones out of Cedar for Mother's Day. It took a lot longer than I expected and cost more than I anticipated, but that is about par for the course for most of my DIY projects. Check out the full video on YouTube here:
I used cedar boards that were about 3 1/2 inches wide by 3/4 inches thick by 10 feet long. Each window box was 8 inches tall, 8 inches deep and 4 feet wide. Each window box took about 4 of these boards. I bought all of my boards at the local hardware store, but I feel that they were overpriced and if I decide to build more planter boxes like this in the future, I will definitely try to find the wood for a better price.

All in all it was a fun build and I think that my wife really appreciated them. Hopefully they last a long time!