About Us

I grew up in a family of avid DIYers. It is funny to say it that way, because it was less of a hobby and more of a necessity. We did everything ourselves from working on cars to yardwork to computer repairs to taxes and everything in-between. My dad worked for many years making cabinets and when I was young we built an addition on our house and did nearly all of the work ourselves (with a few exceptions for things like pouring the concrete foundation). I feel like I have done just about everything once before.
My wife grew up in a similar home and her father too was jack of all trades. When we were married about 10 years ago we began remodeling our first home and didn't stop until it was completely transformed (including 3 bathroom remodels, kitchen/living room floor replacement, sprinklers, fences, a brand new laundry room, etc.). Then we moved :)
While we are originally from the west we are loving our new home in Western Pennsylvania and I in particular love the access to amazing domestic hardwoods that just were not as accessible in the Rockies where we grew up.
Today we are serial DIYers and are constantly working on a project new whether it is building furniture, remodeling our kitchen, building a new office or some project for the kids.
Be sure to check out our projects and subscribe to us on YouTube or follow us on Instagram or one of our other social media platforms.